Though athar of Ibn Abbas (Rd) has NOTHING to do with the possibility of another prophet coming in future , which Mawlana…
For those who are not aware, let me share that Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (rh) issused the fatwa of Kufr THIRTY YEARS…
Deobandi version states ““Molwi Ahmed Raza Khan quotes a statement, which he alleges is from Mawlana Nanotwi’s book Tahdhir Al-Naas. According to…
Few scans from Tahzeerunnass, written by Qasim Nanotvee. Page 4 and page 5 Translation: “First, the meaning of Khatamun nabeeyen should be…
Tahdhir al nas ( Tahzeerun naas ) and Shaykh Qasim Nanotwi What is the Deobandi belief with regards to Khatme nabuwwat ?…
In 1319 AH, Mawlānā Ashraf Ali Thanwi answered a question regarding ‘Ilm-e-Ghayb and published it as Hifzul Iman. In this book, he…
Fatwa upon Mawlana Qasim Nnotvee from Darul Uloom Deoband Long back , when the fight between Deobandis and Jamat e Islami (…
Arwahe Salasa has an incidence where in Mawlna Mansoor Ali khan , one of the disciple of Mawlana Qasim Nanotvee, narrates his…
By: Muhaqiq Khalil Ahmed Rana [may Allah preserve him] Translated into English with edit and addition by Abdullah Chsiti Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalameen.Was…