This is a detail refutation ofa those who call them self muslims but ascribe defect to Allah. Before we start refuting this…
Deobandis are known for making accusations on scholars of Ahlus sunnah wal jamah. In one such accusation , a deobandi said that…
I was much amused when I read on some website that Deobandis are trying to look for the original manuscript of Ghayat…
Question Do we have any book in which Imam Ahmed Raza Khan (Rehmatullahi Alayh) has written about Shaykh Abdul Qadir Gilani (Radi…
A deobandi wrote: “Mawlana Shah Ismail shaheed was barred for 40 days from preaching in public because of fear for so-called fitna….
When the wahabis of India objected on Darud Taj, the great Hanafi scholar, Mujaddid of the last century, Imam Ahmed Raza Khan…
ABOUT IBN ABDUL WAHAB AL NAJDI AL TAMIMI Page 15, divine text by Imam Mustafa ibn Ahmad ash-Shatti ( Rh) Translator: Abu…
Now the statement present in Baraheen-e-Qati’ah which was written in 1303 AH. Mawlana Khaleel Ahmed wrote it and Mawlana Rashid Ahmed not…
Shaykh Ashraf ali thanvi says: “(O Prophet!) you are the one who reveals what is hidden in our heart”. Now this is…