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Use of Radi Allahu ta’ala for other than Companion
Reference: Ghayr sahaba ko Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhukahna Kaisa?
By: Faqih e Millat Mufti Jalaluddin Ahmed Amjadi [Rd]
Use of Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu for other than a companion of prophetis permissible as written in Durrul Mukhtar:
- To use Radi Allahu Ta’ala for a companion is mustahab [recommended] and for taba’een and others, rahmatullah ta’alaalaih is recommended and its opposite, that is , rahmatullah ta’ala alaih for a companion andradiallahu ta’ala fortaba’eenand othersis also permissible’
[ Durrul Mukhtar , Vol 5, page 480] - Alla’maAl –Khaffaji in his Naseemur Riyadh [ SharahAl- Shifa of Qadi Ayad Al Mailki] writes : “It is permissible to usa Radi Allahu Ta’ala for mashaykh and others”
[ Naseemur Riyadh,Vol 3,page 509] - Shayh Abdul Haq Muhaddith al dehalwi has used Radi Allahu Ta’ala for Uwais al- Qarni, who was not a companion.
[ Ashi’at –ul-Lama’at, Vol 4 , page 743] - Imam Ibn Abideen usesRadi Allahu Ta’ala for Imam Abu Hanifaat many place.
[ Rad Al- Muhtar,Vol 1 , Printed from Deoband , page 35, 36, 37 and page 42 , total six place] - Imam Ibn Abideen has usedRadiAllahu Ta’la forImam Shafi’I at seven places[ page 35 38, 41 , 43]and has also used Radi Allahu Ta’la forSahl bin Abdullah al –Tustari .[ page 38]
[ Rad Al –Muhtar, Vol 1 ] - Imam Haskafihas used Radi Allahu Ta’laforImam Shafi’i andAbdullah bin Mubarak .
[ Durr ul Mukhtar ,Vol 1 , page 45] - Imam FakhruddinRazi has used Radi Allahu ta’la for Imam Abu Hanifa.
[ Tafsir Kabir, Vol 6 , page 382]
- Imam Ali Al Qari has used Radi Allahu ta’lafor Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Shafi’i.
[ Mirqat , Vol 1 , page 3.Bombay Edition] - Sayyed Ahmed Tahtawi has used Radi Allahu ta’laforImam Abu Hanifa.
[ Tahtawi ‘ala Miraqi, Istanbul Edition , page 11] - Imam Al Ghazali has used Radi Allahu ta’la forImam Malik and Imam Shafi’i.
[ Ihya uloom al deen , Vol 2 , page 7] - Imam Hajar al Asqalani has used Radi Allahu ta’alafor Imam Bukhari and Imam Shafi’i.
[ Muqaddima , Fat’h ul bari , page 18and page 21]
- Imam Nawawi has used Radi Allahu ta’ala for Imam Muslim.
[Muqaddima , sharah Muslim , page 11] - Shayh Abdul Haq Muhaddith al dehalwi has usedRadi Allahu Ta’ala for Imam Shafi’I and Imam Bukhari.
[ Ashi’at –ul-Lama’at, Vol 1 , page 16 and page 9] - Shaykh Al Tibrizi [ Compiler of Mishkat al Masabih] has used Radi Allahu ta’ala for Imam Baghawi.
[Muqadiima , Mishkat al Masabih] - Alla’maAl –Khaffajihas used Radi Allahu ta’la for Imam Qadi Iyad.
[ Naseemur Riyadh, page 5, Cairo Edition] - Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith al dehalwi has usedRadi Allahu Ta’ala for Sayyedina Shaykh Abdul Qadir Al gilani , al Hasanial Husseiniat more than fifteen places.
[Ashi’at –ul-Lama’at, Vol1 , page 18and Akhbar al Akhiyar page 15.16, 18 21, 22, 23, 24 ,209, 210,211, 212,213,214] - Imam Mulla Ali al Qari has usedRadi Allahu ta’ala forAbdullah bin mubarak, Layth bin sa’ad, Imam Malik bin Anas,Dawud tai’I, Ibrahim Bin Adham andFudayl ibn Iyaad.
[ Mirqat, Vol 1 , page 27] - AllamaAl-sa’avi al Maliki has used Radi Allahu ta’la forShaykh Suleyman Jamal, Ahmed Dardeer, Salim Hafnawi, Shaykh Ameer,Imam Abul Hasan Sahykh Saeed Adawi , Allama Mohammed bin badeeri dimyati,Nuruddin Alishabralsi, Allam Halabi, Allam Ali Ajhori, Burhan Alqi, Shamshuddin alqami , Imam Ziyaadi, Shaylh Ramli, Shaykhul Islam Zakariyya Anasari, Jalaluddin Muhalli , Imam Suyuti .
[TafsirSawi , Vol 1 , page 3] - Imam al Shatnufi in [Bahjatul Asraar] has used Radi Allahu ta’la at many places for other than companions and inBidaya , Radi Allahu Ta’ala has been usedfor sahibe Al Hidayaby his students atmany places.
Al quran, 98: 8
Their reward is – with their Lord – everlasting Gardens of Eden beneath which rivers flow, in which they will abide for ever and ever; Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him; this is for one who fears his Lord
Tafseer Madarik al – Tanzeel wa Haqa´iq Al- Tanweel [ By: Abu Al-Barakat Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Al-Nasfi ] says inexplaining the above verse
{ ذٰلِكَ } أي الرضا { لِمَنْ خَشِىَ رَبَّهُ }
raDiyal-laahu ‘Anhum wa raDuu ‘Anh (Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him) is forthose whohave fear of their Lord in their heart.
And fear of Lord is morein the heartofUlema( scholars) as stated byImam Razi in his tafsir:
“ When this verse is understood along withother verse then the superiority of knowledge and scholars is establishedbecause the scholars have the fear of Allah in their heart’
( Tafsir Kabir , Vol 8, page 460 , under 98:8)
Tafsir Ruh ul Bayaan under the above versealso gives a similar explaination.
Hence Radi Allahu Ta’ala can be used for any Islamic scholarwhohad correct Aqida , followed shariah and had fear and love of Allah in his heart.
Also Note :
Mawlana Ashraf Ali thanvi al Deobandi uses ‘radiallahutala” for Mawlana Rashid Ahmed .
Scan1 :Al Imdad,1336 AH, Safar, page29
Mawlana Ashiq Ilahi Merathi, uses “radiallahuta’ala” for both, Mawlana Qasim Nanotvee and Mawlana Rashid Ahmed.
Scan2 : Tazkiraturrashid
1 Zil Hajj
Abdullah Chsiti
Wahabis have written a book in praise of Yazid. The name of the book is rashid ibn rashid, ameer al momineen yazeed radi allahu ta’ala”.
Mufti shaf’i al deobandi , a top deobandi scholar has written “radi allahu ta’ala” for Yazeed. That letter is included in this book.
Abdullah Sabri Chisti
27th Jan 2010