Their writings and their belief
The well known Deobandi scholar ( Mawlana Mnazoor Nomani)who used to participate in many debates against Sunni Muslims writes :
“We should see these “so called muslims” who are grave worshippers and Tazia worshippers. Shaitan has put these “Mushrikana” acts in their hearts that they are not willing to listen to the teachings of Quran and Hadith”.
“ When I look at these people ( so called muslims) then only I understand shirk of the previous ummah. If these people ( so called muslims) were not there among the muslim population, then it would have been very difficult for me to understand the shirk of the previous ummah’
( Al Furqan ( A monthly Deobandi Magazine ) , Editorial , For the month of Jamadi ulaa, 1372 AH , page 30 , published from Lucknow).
( The Urdu wordings are : Aap musalmaan kaehlaney waley Quburiyon aur Taziya paraston ko dekh lijiye. Shaitaan ney mushrikaana aamaal ko unakey dilon mein aisa utaar diya hai ki wah is silsiley mein Quran wa Hadith ki koee baat sunaney ke rawadar nahee. Main to inhee logon ko dekh kar agalee ummaton ke shirk ko smajhata hoon. Agar musalmano mein yeh log na hotey to waqia yeh hai ki meray liye agalee ummaton ke shirk ko samajhna bada mushkil hota)
Readers would also like to read this .
Mawlana Qasim Nanotvee narrates about one of the scholars of his group. He narrates:
“ Shah Abdurrehman wilayati had a disciple whose name was Abdullah Khan. His caste was ‘Rajput” and he was one of the special disciples of Shah Abdur rehman. He was at such an elevated stage that when ever their was a case of preganacy in someone’s house and they used to come to him to take amulets, then he used to tell them wheteher the baby will be boy or a girl and what ever he used to tell that result used to be the same.
( Arwahe salasa (Inspirational and Guiding book used by Deobandi brothers ) with commentary by Mawlana Asharf Ali thanvee page 163 )
This is not a case of ‘ coincidence’ or chance . It is a matter of surety as we all can read. It is not a case of ‘ dream ‘ or “ Kashf”. Mawlana Qasim Nanotvee makes sure that no body takes this as a matter of coincidence , so he adds” whar ever he used to predict , the result used to be the same”. I don’t know which ultrasonic eyes this Mawlana had that sitting in his room he could tell about a pregnant woman present some where else.
The irony is: The founder of Deobandism Mawlana Ismeel Dehalvee writes in” Taqwiyatul Iman” the fundamental book of Deobandi group
“ What is present in the stomach of a woman no body knows about it except Allah. No body can know that whether it is single or double , male or female, beautiful or ugly “.
He writes further..
“ If any one attributes the knowledge of unseen to any one else except Allah , then he is in shirk”.
2.To think that prophet was given the knowledge of ghyab ( unseen ) is SHIRK. ( Fawtwa Rashidiya, By Mawlana Rashid Gangohi)
Please note this Deobandi shaykh Abdullah Khan was blessed with special eye sight. To support my statement I bring another incidence about the same person.
When Mawlana Qasim Nanotvee was leaving for Hajj , he made a request to Abdullah Khan to make dua ( supplication ) for him. To which Abdullah Khan replied
“ Brother, what supplication can I make for you? I have seen with my eyes that you are reading Bukhari sheriff in front of Rasul Allah ( sal allahu alai hi wa sallam)
( Arwahe Salasa , page 254)
This is the status of a Deobandi shaykh. He had no problem in looking at the ghayb and his eye sight could penetrate all the hinderance.
But when it comes to Rasul A llah ( sal allahu alaihi wa sallam) then , they write
“ Shaykh Abdul Haq has narrated that prophet was not aware of what is behind the wall ‘
( Baraheen Qatiya , by Mawlana Rashid Ahmed and Mawlana Khaleel Ambethvee)
( Read “Deoband,Shaykh Gangohi and wall)
Note: Mawlana Qasim Nonatvee is the Founder of Darul Uloom Deoband . This is the reason why the graduates from this madarsa add’ qasimi” at the end of their name , to show their relationship to Mawlana Qasim Nanotvee