A small incidence from Arwahe Salasa , page 242.( A book deaing with the life of Deobandi scholars). Mawlana Qasim Nanotvee al…
The” hakimul Ummah” of the Deobandis loved money through out his life! He said ” if I had Rupees 10,000 , I…
The Deobandi sect was divided into two political group before 1947. The first group was led by Shaykh Hussein Tandvi who was…
‘O believers! If any disobedient comes to you with any news make a strict inquiry lest you may hurt any people improperly…
Refuting Two Wahabis : Abu Hibbaan & Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari : Part 1 I have seen two wahabis , with the name…
Refuting Attack on Allama Fazle Haq Khairabadi and Allama Fazle Rasul Badayuni Deobandi claim has been posted in red Dr. Allamah Khalid…
There are few deobandis who are shy to reveal their corrupt aqida . These deobandis try to support deviant statements of Shaykh…
After the scholars of Harmayan issued the fatwa, the Deobandis were totally exposed. In order to confuse the general population the Deobandis…
And Mahmood-ul-Hasan Sahib addresses Gangohi Sahib not only as “Ghaus” but as “Ghaus-e-A’zam”. Just see. “He is the second Junaid and Shiblee…