[row][col type=”12″ class=””] All praise is for Allah, Lord of all the worlds, and blessings and peace upon His servant Sayyiduna Muhammad…
[row][col type=”12″ class=””] Hadith on 15th of Shaaban Very early Hadith books such as the Mussanaf of Abdul Razzaq Ibn Humam (May…
[row][col type=”12″ class=””] Use of Radi Allahu ta’ala for other than Companion Reference: Ghayr sahaba ko Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhukahna Kaisa? By:…
[row][col type=”12″ class=””] In this fourteenth century of the Islamic era, a recently mushroomed sect known as the Salafis, has invented some…
[row][col type=”12″ class=””] MOVING FINGERS IN PRAYERS: ALBANI’S MISTAKE Nasir al-Albani is the arch-innovator of the Wahhabis and “Salafis” in our time….
[row][col type=”12″ class=””] Difference in salah between men and women Wahabis ( so called “salafis”/ahlul hadith’) are of the view that all…
[row][col type=”12″ class=””] A recent Fatwa from Deobandi cult says: (Fatwa: 891/672=H) “It is in a famous Hadith book called Muslim Sharif…
[row][col type=”12″ class=””] Question: When we visit a Wali’s shrine, how do we pray [the fatiha] there and what should be [further]…
[row][col type=”12″ class=””] Pharaoh’s dead body This is the closest picture taken of Pharaoh Ramesses II When Francisco Mitra became the president…